The Editors
The Editor

Lyn D. Tadlock, is an experienced civil litigator with more than 25 years experience.
Ms. Tadlock’s training and experience were as a general practitioner. Although her practice focused on personal injury law, including catastrophic injury and wrongful death cases arising out of motor vehicle accidents, premises and products liability; and construction defect litigation. That being said, as a civil litigator Ms. Tadlock did not specialize and handled whatever came in the door, including fraud, defamation, Business and Professions Code section 1700, and breach of contract cases.
Ms. Tadlock’s has appeared in state superior and federal district court, and the court of appeals. She has represented both plaintiffs and defendants although most of her work was as defense counsel.
Ms. Tadlock spent her professional career “in the trenches”, handling all aspects of a case, from the initial evaluation, through discovery and law and motion, to resolution through mediation or trial, post-trial motions and appeals.
The Templates were initially created as Ms. Tadlock’s reference tool for her own practice. On occasion, they were shared with a colleague who mentioned he was unable to find the appropriate pleading in the firm’s library or was not sure if the settlement agreement drafted by the opposing attorney had all of the necessary provisions to protect his client.
Ms. Tadlock is a native of San Francisco, California. She earned a Masters in International Business Law from the Universite de Paris I, Pantheon-Sorbonne in Paris, France. On her return to San Francisco, she earned a Juris Doctorate from Golden Gate University School of Law in San Francisco, California.
Contributing Attorneys
The contributing attorneys include the attorneys with whom Ms. Tadlock worked at the various firms where she practiced, who had drafted complaints and answers, motions, settlement agreements and the various other documents common to the practice and which provided the basis for her own complaints and answers, motions, settlement agreements, etc. Ms. Tadlock’s colleagues also contributed by critiquing a pleading she had drafted – pointing out an argument that should be included, a just published case that was on point or the preferences of the judge who would preside over the hearing…
The contributing attorneys also include many of the attorneys with whom Ms. Tadlock has had cases over the years. The plaintiffs’ attorneys who drafted complaints, motions and protective orders – and defense counsel who wrote the answer, motion to strike, opposition to the motion, settlement agreement, etc.
The contributing attorneys are too numerous to identify by name or by contribution. Sometimes the contribution consisted of a better turn of phrase, or an argument or provision omitted from Ms. Tadlock’s own pleading.