Answer to Complaint for Damages for Breach of Contract: Defenses of Implied Contract, Promissory Estoppel, Equitable Relief, Common Counts [Supplement]
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Answer to Complaint for Damages for Breach of Contract Defenses of Implied Contract, Promissory Estoppel, Equitable Relief, Common Counts [Supplement] with statutes and case law for the elements of the 29 affirmative defenses including inter alia lack of enforceable implied contract; promissory estoppel; equitable relief; specific performance, restitution; common counts (in debitatus assumpsit, account stated, quantum meruit, quantum valebant). 47 pages."
Unannotated copy; all 29 affirmative defenses, exclusive of the statutes and case law identifying, interpreting and applying the elements of the defense. 10 pages.